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Fundraising content for early to mid-career nonprofit fundraising professionals.


PODCASTS & social media

Creating a Safe Space for Women of Color in Fundraising

Members of F3 including founder, Christal Cherry discuss their lived experiences as Black female fundraisers and how F3 is supporting them along their journey. 

Are fundraising professionals listening to their donor’s money story?

“Wanda shares that by listening closely to the role that money has had in the lives of our donors, we are given an opportunity to resolve some of the other power dynamics that often surface in these relationships.”

Recent Blog Posts




Decolonizing Wealth: Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance
Edgar Villanueva | Berrett-Koehler Publishers

Giving Back: A Tribute to Generations of African American Philanthropists
Valaida Fullwood | John F. Blair Publishing

Madam CJ Walker’s Gospel of Giving: Black Women’s Philanthropy during Jim Crow
Tyrone McKinley Freeman | University of Illinois Press

Collecting Courage: Joy, Pain, Freedom, Love
Nneka Allen | Gail K. Picco Books/Civil Sector Press

Achieving Excellence in Fundraising (Fourth Edition)
Editors: Tempel, Seiler, Burlingame | Wiley Publishing

The Future of Fundraising: Adapting to Changing Philanthropic Realities
James M. Langley | Academic Impressions

A Spirituality of Fundraising
Henri J.M. Nouwen | Upper Room Books

Donor Centered Fundraising: How to Hold On to Your Donors and Raise Much More Money
Penelope Burk | Cygnus Applied Research, Inc.

Cultivating Diversity in Fundraising
Janice Gow Pettey | Wiley

Personalized Philanthropy: Crash the Fundraising Matrix
Steven L. Meyers, Ph.D. | Charity Channel

Opening the Door to Major Gifts: Mastering the Discovery Call
John Greenhoe | CharityChannel LLC